Thursday 12 August 2021

Different Types of Cerebral Palsy Surgery Parents Should Know About

Surgery is one of the best treatments for children with cerebral palsy. The doctors try the lower-risk options first and then switch to cerebral palsy surgery when nothing seems to work. Here are the types of surgeries the doctor can perform for cerebral palsy.

1. Orthopaedic surgery


Orthopedic surgery is performed to improve overall alignment of extremity. The process here is extremely beneficial in treating surpassed, exaggerated movements. There are six types of orthopedic procedures which include.


• Muscle lengthening- The surgery helps relieve the tightness in the limbs. It helps improve fine motor skills. But nowadays it is less preferred because it may increase the muscle weakness which is already present in CP children.


• Tendon lengthening- The surgery helps reduce painful contractures. In addition, with the surgery, the child will have a better ability to work and sit straight. Only at few places it is being done. Over lengthening can weaken the tendon so power will decrease.


• Tendon transfer- The surgery involves the replacement and cutting of a tendon. It helps in balancing the muscle tone and power. It is being done where the weakness of specific muscle occurs. So by transferring the good muscle tendon complex, we can get power in weakened muscle action.  Also, it improves the balance in specific work..


• Osteotomy- The process helps realign the joints & limb, which guarantees better mobility and posture. Now days it is preferred surgery in cerebral palsy because child will have further increase in weakness and recovery is very fast.


• Tenotomy- The surgery involves cutting of the tendon, which helps with muscle functions. Rarely being done


• Arthrodesis- The surgery is performed in the most extreme cases for permanently fusing bones together.


3. Ambulatory

The surgery is performed for ambulatory children to help improve their ability to walk. Besides the orthopedic surgery can also help correct the alignment for proper support.


4. Non-ambulatory

The surgery is used to stop complications. In addition, it helps correct the spinal curvatures, contractures, hip dislocation, relieves the pain, and ensures a comfortable sitting position.


5. Selective dorsal rhizotomy

The surgery is an aggressive spinal neurosurgery procedure that helps patients with spasticity. The surgery is typically recommended for severe cases of spasticity when the other treatments aren't working. It helps relax the muscle in the upper and the lower limbs leading to better movements.

Visit a got medical centre.


There are different cerebral palsy surgery the doctor can perform to offer relief. However, to get the right treatment, you need to visit a good medical centre. Trishla Foundation can offer your kid the best. We have industry-leading tools and professionals. We can help your kid improve his movements and get relief from the issue. We assure to provide the best treatment to help your kid get relief.

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